Carpet Care & Maintenance

Daily care & maintenance

Start by investing in doormats and placing them throughout your home and encourage visitors to use them. You should also ask visitors to remove outdoor shoes before walking across your carpet. It’s important to minimize the amount of dirt tracked onto your flooring, as dirt particles can damage carpet. Here are some other simple preventative maintenance tips:

  • Place carpet protectors underneath all furniture legs.
  • Use a quality carpet pad to add extra softness and support.
  • Take care when moving heavy furniture.

While keeping preventative maintenance in mind, you should also develop a regular care routine. This should include regular vacuuming using a manufacturer-approved appliance. If your carpet experiences light to medium traffic, vacuuming it once or twice a week should be sufficient. If it experiences heavy traffic, however, you may want to vacuum more frequently.

Vacuuming carpet | Markville Carpet & Flooring
Cat spill on carpet | Markville Carpet & Flooring

Dealing with spills & stains

No matter how careful you are, your carpet will likely fall victim to its fair share of spills, especially if you have children or pets. If you act quickly, however, you can keep those spills from turning into damaging stains that simply won't come out. We also proudly carry carpets with improved stain resistance, which makes it easier to clean messes. Still, you'll need to address spills right away.

First, determine if a spill is water- or oil-based. Most water-based spills can be absorbed with a clean, dry cloth. Simply blot until you've absorbed as much as you can. Then, follow up with a manufacturer-approved carpet cleaner if needed. If your spill is oil-based or more complex, you will need a more comprehensive approach. For these, it's important to address your manufacturer's specific care guidelines. Note that you should NEVER use bleach on your carpet when trying to clean a spill.

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